Move data from
Easy LMS to Skyward Student Management Suite

Experience a seamless import between Easy LMS and Skyward Student Management Suite. Zero code scripting experience or added programming skills needed.


Your data is entirely safe with our tool. We’ll make use of your access credentials and see your LMS records only during the data transition.

Easy to use

The migration solution our service offers doesn’t demand any coding skills to complete the data transfer. The process is understandable, even for a novice!

Maintained structure

Even the largest loads of LMS data will keep their links after the transfer. We take into account the feature-set of each LMS to assure the successful outcome of every migration.

Why trust LMS migration by Relokia?

Easy way

Security first

We care about the data security of our customers. That’s why we erase all the details on our customers and their records right after the migration. Moreover, the entire process is performed under a protected connection to minimize the risk of data breach.


Maintained relations between instances

No need to worry about the maintenance of the info arrangement on your new LMS. All the bonds between the Users, Groups, Programs, etc. will be maintained after the migration.



Main LMS records migration

Migrate all the LMS data you need, including Categories, Courses together with their content and attachments, Users and Groups, Events Calendar, Assessment points, and more.


Entities you can transfer from Easy LMS to Skyward Student Management Suite

*The list of entities possible to migrate is created automatically and can be different from the one specified below.
It can somewhat shift depending on the source and target systems.

How does the migration from Easy LMS to Skyward Student Management Suite work?

  • Get in contact.

    Send us a request to get started with your data transfer. We’ll talk over all the migration peculiarities, the extent of work to be done, and the timeline of your data transition.

  • Link Easy LMS and Skyward Student Management Suite.

    Input the obligatory access passwords so that the tool can reach the data from your current LMS and transfer it to the future system.

  • Choose the migration date.

    Define {what period is the least full of study activities. Pick this period as the data migration date and notify us to schedule your transfer.

  • Move everything to Skyward Student Management Suite.

    Wait for the full data migration to transfer every bit of records to the target Learning Management System.

  • Enjoy your new LMS!

    Right after the migration, your new system is all set to support you in your studying processes.

Your records are in good hands.

Data security is a key point for us, so we generate and use our own approved methods for data safety.